Okay, don't say I didn't warn you my posts on here might well be rather irregular in advance. I think I have clearly proven that *bites lip and hangs head in shame*.
Though in my defence I have been very busy
This piece is probably the only one out of all the female forms I have painted this year that I had to use a photo to help me with, though it was mainly for the arms she is using to cover herself, damn the the old 'issue' with drawing hands returned when I wasn't expecting it. This piece is a re-paint of the one I disliked the most. There was mainly and issue with the previous positions of the arms and legs which made her seem like she was in a weird half bent over crouched position. This wasn't what I had planned for her shape hence the re-paint.
These next few paintings including the one above were created at the request of one of my lecturer's who wished to see more of a development from my silhouette of a dancing woman from last semester... just with more of a sense of movement. The above image I later added to, I will put up a photo in the next blog of the adjustments I made to it.
The above painted was also at the request of a lecturer who having seeing me paint the outlines in first for the previous two images (during their creation) suggested that I leave one of them blank because they liked the simplicity of it.
Introducing my lovely lady's, they have just become objects to hang clothes off of, this is why they are missing heads and arms, the only thing identifying them as a person has been stripped away. They are just seen as women by their shape.
Also as part of the local villages around where I lives summer festival they are hosting a little exhibition of local artists works, there is an £8 entry and there is an option to sell your pieces with a 15% commission. I plan to put in some works, though I doubt I'll sell them, I thought I'd try though cause I am running out of space to store the pieces. I am just going to put in some of the paintings I don't have much confidence in the other works.