Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Car hunt le fail

Exactly as it says on the tin. Just when I think I find something. I went to look at a little Clio in a garage on Wednesday. Well actually went to see a KA but the KA was starting to rust and had a few little over sites wrong with it. Then my brother spotted this Clio, it was 7 years old barely a scratch, no sign of rust, the steering lock though didn't work and the hand brake needed an adjustment but that would be fine because they said that they would fix it and MOT the car. My mum suggested we also get in someone from her breakdown company to look her over as well in case there was anything else... which would be reasonable.
The man at the garage seemed to think that it would be alright so me contact the company and book the piece off mind go over. which would cost me a bit of money, not just that but they would charge me for cancelling.
Lets just say I ended up cancelling the brief inspection when the woman from the breakdown company rang me to inform me that the people in the garage had suddenly changed their mind and decided they wouldn't let me get someone in to check it over until I had brought the car. Tell me what would be the point of that!?!?
So I ring the garage to inquire and the guy is a bit uppity at me about not trusting their inspection so I decided not to purchase the car.
The cancellation fee was £30 (I was some what lucky cause if the inspection had got booked it would have cost me £79).
I don't want a repeat of a car incident of my dads a few years back where he brought a car and the head gasket blew a day later.
hmmm I could probably rant about this longer but I won't inflict anyone who reads this with a rant.

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Okay... so I suck at regular blog writing but I hope to get better

It's true honest! I do hope to get better.

Right what have I been doing this holiday to make up for my sucky lack of blogging.
Well I did but four of my pieces into a local exhibition at the start of the summer. I wasn't expecting to sell anything and didn't sell anything but it's all good experience. :)

I have also been helping in the garden and about our house.
Not just that though: Whilst the schools were still on I went into our local secondary school and helped out during curriculum enrichment week in the art department which was pretty fun. The classes were doing there own graffiti based project pieces either as groups or based off there own individual designs.

I have also been car hunting which has been quite time consuming... and thus my plan of working on my confidence with oil paints has not been sucessful... that is to say vertually non existant... though I have got a few sketches done, not as many as I hoped though

Anyways that's the basic update I'll put more up here another day :)