Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Well no knitting today

No knitting blog today folks! At least not until I finish the arms and legs. Currently just the one leg. A little conundrum I might have put all the stuffing into the body, so need to find a substitute for the limbs, someone suggested rice or beans but I would be worried about it coming out in the gaps between the stitches. I need to find a sewing shop or a fabric shop but the only ones I can think of closed down. Thank you recession!
Anywho back to blog, I like to think I could fill this blog with all the exciting and amazing things I have done since the last one but, well, I can't say I have done anything exciting. I did frame up some A-level art pieces to fill in the gaps in the sixth form centre, advised some students on the best way to not cut themselves when carving an image for printing out of it. I was going to re-pot plants when I got back home but fell asleep. I cooked dinner and an ungreatful brother told me it looked like... well something unpleasent and he didn't like the taste either. Tasted fine to me. Honestly what is wrong with leeks, carrots, a little bit of garlic, peas in a chunky tomato pasta sauce served on top of pasta? Just cause I didn't put cheese on it. Which I imagine the friends who (if they haven't given up hope of me ever blogging) will be shocked at.
Well screw cooking for my brother again he can just make his own damn food or starve!