I would like to say exciting things have happened since my last blog... but I can't really say they have. Although now I mention it I went to a friends Jubilee street part and got to hold an Olympic torch. I suppose that is exciting now I think about it so lets roll with that.
I got to hold an Olympic torch 'SQUEEEEEE'
okay though aside from that I have Nada, nothing really exciting happened. I did attempt to start another painting but as of yet have not finished it, as I have a dangerously low level of white acrylics left :( I hate leaving work unfinished. It sucks!
A side from that I have been a failure at making time for arty things lately. I work four days a week, I help out at the local school for two and three quarters days. So naturally time has been a little hard to come by as of late. When I do finish work I get back home and next thing I know I am waking up and the time I wanted to work on stuff is gone cause I have fallen asleep. Conclusion being I am so not a morning person, so naturally I work mornings three out of the four shifts. I am such a glutton for punishment.
So half term was last week, I suppose I could say I have accomplished stuff in that time when I have not been in the school. I helped my mother in the garden planting seeds and attempting to grow more trees to be planted in our hedge from cuttings of the old which was quite fun (absolutely no sarcasm) well except for one un- fun part the hay fever. I seem to have grown immune to yet another medicine. The bad thing is this; I think this medicine is probably the strongest Doctor perscribed tablets I can have. Really wish the would invent a cure or some kind of immune system booster I could get for this nightmare.
Anyways enough ranting for now
Farewell until next time