Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Making my own Ninja- The body

So the initial instructions for making the body were a little confusing at first until I found the key for them after that I just wizzed though the body. Just so you can see what I mean I will post up the body instructions.

  • Cast on 20 sts

  • knit 1 row
  • k5, m1, k10, m1, k5, count 22 sts
  • k5, m1, k12, m1, k5, count 24sts
  • k5, m1, k14, m1, k5, count 26sts
  • Carry on knitting until the piece measures 3cm from the begining
  • k3, k2tog, k to last 5sts, k2tog, k3
  • k1 row
  • repeat until 12 sts remaining

Start increasing for the head:
  • k3, m1, k6, m1, k3
  • k3, m1, k8, m1, k3
  • k3, m1, k10, m1, k3
  • k3, m1, k12, m1, k3
  • k3, m1, k14, m1, k3
  • k3, m1, k16, m1, k3, count 24 sts

Start decreasing for the top of the head:
  • k3, k2tog, kto last 5sts, k2tog, k3 and repeat until 10 stitches remain

  • Draw string finish cut yarn with 30 cm long end
  • use darning neadle to thread ends through the stitches removing them one by one
  • pull yarn tight
  • sew along the side starting from the head
  • oh yeah don't forget to put in the stuffing and don't what ever you do accidently not leave any stuffing for the arms and legs before you sew up the bottom

And that my friends is how you make your body for your very own ninja

Monday, 27 February 2012

WHOA!!!! A BLOG!!!!

Well I know it's been a long time but I thought now would be a good time to blog as I have a little bit of spare time on my hands, having not realised I had booked the next two weeks off work. Yes forgetfulness strikes again. So what am I doing with my time? I am knitting my own Ninja courtesy of a kit given to me by a friend for my birthday.
So the next few blogs will be titled 'knitting my own ninja' so my progress can be seen. Hopefully it will not take as long as my last knitting project did (cough cough, nine years) the reason for this is that I had lost it. So I am determined this will not happen again and am looking forward to knitted ninja awesome!!!!!