I would like to say exciting things have happened since my last blog... but I can't really say they have. Although now I mention it I went to a friends Jubilee street part and got to hold an Olympic torch. I suppose that is exciting now I think about it so lets roll with that.
I got to hold an Olympic torch 'SQUEEEEEE'
okay though aside from that I have Nada, nothing really exciting happened. I did attempt to start another painting but as of yet have not finished it, as I have a dangerously low level of white acrylics left :( I hate leaving work unfinished. It sucks!
A side from that I have been a failure at making time for arty things lately. I work four days a week, I help out at the local school for two and three quarters days. So naturally time has been a little hard to come by as of late. When I do finish work I get back home and next thing I know I am waking up and the time I wanted to work on stuff is gone cause I have fallen asleep. Conclusion being I am so not a morning person, so naturally I work mornings three out of the four shifts. I am such a glutton for punishment.
So half term was last week, I suppose I could say I have accomplished stuff in that time when I have not been in the school. I helped my mother in the garden planting seeds and attempting to grow more trees to be planted in our hedge from cuttings of the old which was quite fun (absolutely no sarcasm) well except for one un- fun part the hay fever. I seem to have grown immune to yet another medicine. The bad thing is this; I think this medicine is probably the strongest Doctor perscribed tablets I can have. Really wish the would invent a cure or some kind of immune system booster I could get for this nightmare.
Anyways enough ranting for now
Farewell until next time
An attempt to improve my organisation
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
Well no knitting today
No knitting blog today folks! At least not until I finish the arms and legs. Currently just the one leg. A little conundrum I might have put all the stuffing into the body, so need to find a substitute for the limbs, someone suggested rice or beans but I would be worried about it coming out in the gaps between the stitches. I need to find a sewing shop or a fabric shop but the only ones I can think of closed down. Thank you recession!
Anywho back to blog, I like to think I could fill this blog with all the exciting and amazing things I have done since the last one but, well, I can't say I have done anything exciting. I did frame up some A-level art pieces to fill in the gaps in the sixth form centre, advised some students on the best way to not cut themselves when carving an image for printing out of it. I was going to re-pot plants when I got back home but fell asleep. I cooked dinner and an ungreatful brother told me it looked like... well something unpleasent and he didn't like the taste either. Tasted fine to me. Honestly what is wrong with leeks, carrots, a little bit of garlic, peas in a chunky tomato pasta sauce served on top of pasta? Just cause I didn't put cheese on it. Which I imagine the friends who (if they haven't given up hope of me ever blogging) will be shocked at.
Well screw cooking for my brother again he can just make his own damn food or starve!
Anywho back to blog, I like to think I could fill this blog with all the exciting and amazing things I have done since the last one but, well, I can't say I have done anything exciting. I did frame up some A-level art pieces to fill in the gaps in the sixth form centre, advised some students on the best way to not cut themselves when carving an image for printing out of it. I was going to re-pot plants when I got back home but fell asleep. I cooked dinner and an ungreatful brother told me it looked like... well something unpleasent and he didn't like the taste either. Tasted fine to me. Honestly what is wrong with leeks, carrots, a little bit of garlic, peas in a chunky tomato pasta sauce served on top of pasta? Just cause I didn't put cheese on it. Which I imagine the friends who (if they haven't given up hope of me ever blogging) will be shocked at.
Well screw cooking for my brother again he can just make his own damn food or starve!
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
Making my own Ninja- The body
So the initial instructions for making the body were a little confusing at first until I found the key for them after that I just wizzed though the body. Just so you can see what I mean I will post up the body instructions.

Start increasing for the head:
Start decreasing for the top of the head:
- Cast on 20 sts
- knit 1 row
- k5, m1, k10, m1, k5, count 22 sts
- k5, m1, k12, m1, k5, count 24sts
- k5, m1, k14, m1, k5, count 26sts
- Carry on knitting until the piece measures 3cm from the begining
k3, k2tog, k to last 5sts, k2tog, k3
- k1 row
- repeat until 12 sts remaining
Start increasing for the head:
- k3, m1, k6, m1, k3
- k3, m1, k8, m1, k3
- k3, m1, k10, m1, k3
- k3, m1, k12, m1, k3
- k3, m1, k14, m1, k3
- k3, m1, k16, m1, k3, count 24 sts
- k3, k2tog, kto last 5sts, k2tog, k3 and repeat until 10 stitches remain
Draw string finish cut yarn with 30 cm long end
- use darning neadle to thread ends through the stitches removing them one by one
- pull yarn tight
- sew along the side starting from the head
- oh yeah don't forget to put in the stuffing and don't what ever you do accidently not leave any stuffing for the arms and legs before you sew up the bottom
And that my friends is how you make your body for your very own ninja
Monday, 27 February 2012
WHOA!!!! A BLOG!!!!
Well I know it's been a long time but I thought now would be a good time to blog as I have a little bit of spare time on my hands, having not realised I had booked the next two weeks off work. Yes forgetfulness strikes again. So what am I doing with my time? I am knitting my own Ninja courtesy of a kit given to me by a friend for my birthday.
So the next few blogs will be titled 'knitting my own ninja' so my progress can be seen. Hopefully it will not take as long as my last knitting project did (cough cough, nine years) the reason for this is that I had lost it. So I am determined this will not happen again and am looking forward to knitted ninja awesome!!!!!
So the next few blogs will be titled 'knitting my own ninja' so my progress can be seen. Hopefully it will not take as long as my last knitting project did (cough cough, nine years) the reason for this is that I had lost it. So I am determined this will not happen again and am looking forward to knitted ninja awesome!!!!!
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
What's this... a blog
Why yes indeed it is! And guess what???
Can't guess? well then I shall tell you.
I have been painting today. Not just any painting but using oil paints, which is by far my weakest medium.
It's about time I did some painting this summer. I know, I just haven't had the time this holiday but I made myself make time today and is feeling pretty mellowed out right now. Not cause of the white spirit though (I remembered to open the windows this time XD)
Oh how I have missed it!
Just me, my brushes, paints, a blank surface needing filling and my ipod playing on speakers :) It felt wonderful.

I have also been doing some sketches for a little comicy based off a story me and a few friends have been writing on for a while. Now I don't think it would be fair to write more not when it's in these early stages. I don't want to jinx myself this time.
I shall put the link up (in case anyone was interested) here but there is not much up right now just the title page for the first chapter. Don't expect too much of me though... the comic will likely be pretty irregular anyways. So wish me luck!
Can't guess? well then I shall tell you.
I have been painting today. Not just any painting but using oil paints, which is by far my weakest medium.
It's about time I did some painting this summer. I know, I just haven't had the time this holiday but I made myself make time today and is feeling pretty mellowed out right now. Not cause of the white spirit though (I remembered to open the windows this time XD)
Oh how I have missed it!
Just me, my brushes, paints, a blank surface needing filling and my ipod playing on speakers :) It felt wonderful.
I have also been doing some sketches for a little comicy based off a story me and a few friends have been writing on for a while. Now I don't think it would be fair to write more not when it's in these early stages. I don't want to jinx myself this time.
I shall put the link up (in case anyone was interested) here but there is not much up right now just the title page for the first chapter. Don't expect too much of me though... the comic will likely be pretty irregular anyways. So wish me luck!
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
Car hunt le fail
Exactly as it says on the tin. Just when I think I find something. I went to look at a little Clio in a garage on Wednesday. Well actually went to see a KA but the KA was starting to rust and had a few little over sites wrong with it. Then my brother spotted this Clio, it was 7 years old barely a scratch, no sign of rust, the steering lock though didn't work and the hand brake needed an adjustment but that would be fine because they said that they would fix it and MOT the car. My mum suggested we also get in someone from her breakdown company to look her over as well in case there was anything else... which would be reasonable.
The man at the garage seemed to think that it would be alright so me contact the company and book the piece off mind go over. which would cost me a bit of money, not just that but they would charge me for cancelling.
Lets just say I ended up cancelling the brief inspection when the woman from the breakdown company rang me to inform me that the people in the garage had suddenly changed their mind and decided they wouldn't let me get someone in to check it over until I had brought the car. Tell me what would be the point of that!?!?
So I ring the garage to inquire and the guy is a bit uppity at me about not trusting their inspection so I decided not to purchase the car.
The cancellation fee was £30 (I was some what lucky cause if the inspection had got booked it would have cost me £79).
I don't want a repeat of a car incident of my dads a few years back where he brought a car and the head gasket blew a day later.
hmmm I could probably rant about this longer but I won't inflict anyone who reads this with a rant.
The man at the garage seemed to think that it would be alright so me contact the company and book the piece off mind go over. which would cost me a bit of money, not just that but they would charge me for cancelling.
Lets just say I ended up cancelling the brief inspection when the woman from the breakdown company rang me to inform me that the people in the garage had suddenly changed their mind and decided they wouldn't let me get someone in to check it over until I had brought the car. Tell me what would be the point of that!?!?
So I ring the garage to inquire and the guy is a bit uppity at me about not trusting their inspection so I decided not to purchase the car.
The cancellation fee was £30 (I was some what lucky cause if the inspection had got booked it would have cost me £79).
I don't want a repeat of a car incident of my dads a few years back where he brought a car and the head gasket blew a day later.
hmmm I could probably rant about this longer but I won't inflict anyone who reads this with a rant.
Tuesday, 10 August 2010
Okay... so I suck at regular blog writing but I hope to get better
It's true honest! I do hope to get better.
Right what have I been doing this holiday to make up for my sucky lack of blogging.
Well I did but four of my pieces into a local exhibition at the start of the summer. I wasn't expecting to sell anything and didn't sell anything but it's all good experience. :)
I have also been helping in the garden and about our house.
Not just that though: Whilst the schools were still on I went into our local secondary school and helped out during curriculum enrichment week in the art department which was pretty fun. The classes were doing there own graffiti based project pieces either as groups or based off there own individual designs.
I have also been car hunting which has been quite time consuming... and thus my plan of working on my confidence with oil paints has not been sucessful... that is to say vertually non existant... though I have got a few sketches done, not as many as I hoped though
Anyways that's the basic update I'll put more up here another day :)
Right what have I been doing this holiday to make up for my sucky lack of blogging.
Well I did but four of my pieces into a local exhibition at the start of the summer. I wasn't expecting to sell anything and didn't sell anything but it's all good experience. :)
I have also been helping in the garden and about our house.
Not just that though: Whilst the schools were still on I went into our local secondary school and helped out during curriculum enrichment week in the art department which was pretty fun. The classes were doing there own graffiti based project pieces either as groups or based off there own individual designs.
I have also been car hunting which has been quite time consuming... and thus my plan of working on my confidence with oil paints has not been sucessful... that is to say vertually non existant... though I have got a few sketches done, not as many as I hoped though
Anyways that's the basic update I'll put more up here another day :)
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