Here is another one for my series about female form. I am planing to paint more when I have the boards to paint on ^_^.
Today I also worked on some pieces for the challenging spaces module. These are part of the four mini projects within the module. The following photo's are for the mini project 'Land Art/ Street art' I thought I would combine a bit of the two by using sand and the pavements around campus. Then took photo's of them as the day progressed, and as it was a rainy day I was effectively taking photo's of their slow erosion.
I took the images using the Negative setting on my camera as it made the shapes a bit more clearer against the background concrete/ brick paths they were created on.
This one I created right outside the art department by the end of this day this one was the most eroded because it is actually on a road and was the road leading out from the lecturers car park XD
This shark I created right outside the swimming pool :) I thought it would be a very fitting place for it XD
Out of all the mini projects I just have one to go and that is the film/ performance piece :( Which my lecturers reminded me is due in next Thursday :( I had thought it was due in at the end of April but that is apparently the bigger project for this module. I have an idea what to do but the only part I am dreading will be the editing stage. I haven't done film editing before so this could be fun. It's the London trip this week end which kind of limits my time to spend working on the film :(
Anyways I better get on with the Duchamp essay I have been putting off.
hey G, i didnt know you had a blog, i just saw a comment on my blog and decided to click on your name and this page came up! Its nice to see your work, i cannot believe i have not seen you in like 2 years? Ive became a follower and will be keeping up to date with your progress!! loving the ceramic work, chat soon!! Joe xx